card$11390$ - translation to ελληνικό
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card$11390$ - translation to ελληνικό

Zed card; Composite Card; Zed-card; Composite card; Sed card

v. λαναρίζω, λαναρίζω μαλλιά, ξαίνω
punch card         
  • [[Aperture card]]
  • An 80-column punched card with the extended character set introduced with [[EBCDIC]] in 1964.
  • A U.S. Census Bureau clerk (left) prepares punch cards using a pantograph similar to that developed by Herman Hollerith for the 1890 Census, while a second clerk (right) uses a 1930s key punch to perform the same task more quickly.
  • Carpet loom with Jacquard apparatus by Carl Engel, around 1860. Chain feed is on the left.
  • A wall-sized display sample of a punch card for the 1954 U.S. Census of Agriculture
  • Punched card from a [[Fortran]] program: Z(1) = Y + W(1), plus sorting information in the last 8 columns.
  • HP Educational Basic optical mark-reader card.
  • Hollerith card as shown in the ''[[Railroad Gazette]]'' in 1895, with 12 rows and 24 columns.<ref name="Railroad_1895"/>
  • Binary]] punched card.
  • United States National Archives Records Service]] facility in 1959. Each carton could hold 2,000 cards.
  • Invalid "lace cards" such as this pose mechanical problems for card readers.
  • Clerk creating punch cards containing data from the [[1950 United States census]].
  • A 5081 card from a non-IBM manufacturer.
  • A punched card printing plate.
  • A deck of punched cards comprising a computer program. The red diagonal line is a visual aid to keep the deck sorted.<ref name="Miami"/>
  • A blank [[Remington Rand]] [[UNIVAC]] format card. Card courtesy of [[MIT Museum]].
  • A punched Remington Rand card with an IBM card for comparison
  • IBM 96-column punched card
  • Woman operating the card puncher, c.1940
  • A $75 U.S. Savings Bond, Series EE issued as a punched card. Eight of the holes record the bond serial number.
  • Institutions, such as universities, often had their general purpose cards printed with a logo. A wide variety of forms and documents were printed on punched cards, including checks. Such printing did not interfere with the operation of the machinery.
  • A 12-row/80-column [[IBM]] punched card from the mid-twentieth century
Punched cards; Punchcard; Punch cards; Punch Card; Hollerith card; Hollerith cards; IBM card; Hollerith Card; Tabulating card; Computer punch card; Punched-card; Input deck; Punchcards; Punch-card; Punch card; Overpunch; Hollerith encoding; Hollerith code; Port-a-punch; IBM Port-A-Punch; Punched card code; IBM 96-column punched card format; IBM 80-column card; Card deck (computing); Punched-card systems
n. δελτίο διάρτησης
phone card         
  • Phonecards from [[Olneyville]], Rhode Island - 2008
  • Optical phonecards from Austria. The balance is shown by the vertical marks on the white bar.
Telephone prepaid calling card; Phone-card collecting; Telephone billing cards; Telephone billing card; Phone card; Fusilately; Phonecard; Phone cards; Telecard; Prepaid calling cards; Telegery; Telephone cards; International phone card; Telephone calling card
τηλεφωνική κάρτα


Comp card

A comp card (also called composite card, Z card, zed card or Sed card) is a marketing tool for actors and especially models. They serve as the latest and best of a model's portfolio and are used as a business card. A Z-CARD is also a folded leaflet format, typically used for marketing communications campaigns for example a loyalty programme or seasonal promotion.